How it works:
The OrthoPulse Ultra is a compressed air-compressed air-ballistic pulse wave generator. The pulse waves in the device are generated with a precision ballistic mechanism in the handpiece. A projectile is accelerated by compressed air. The motion and weight of the projectile produce kinetic energy. When the projectile impacts against an immovable surface, the pulse transmitter, this kinetic energy is converted into sound energy. This acoustic pulse is transmitted into the tissue to be treated either directly or via an acoustic impedance adapter with the help of a gel.
The Benefits:
With its progressive technological advancements, Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Technology (EPAT/ESWT) delivers an evidence-based*, non-surgical solution for patients suffering from chronic heel pain. It addresses the increasing demand for patient convenience, less down-time and risk, as well as better clinical and economic outcomes, and improved practice efficiencies and cash-flow.